On my birthday 1985
For more than 20 years I’ve been writing summaries of what’s going on in my life and in the world around me on my birthday. Here’s an excerpt from 1985 …
April 24, 1985
On my birthday I’m 34 years old.
The headlines today tell about the U.S. House of Representatives blocking President Reagan’s request for $114 million in aid to the Contras, a rebellious faction trying to overthrow the government in Nicaragua. Reagan and friends want to get rid of what they see as a Communist-supported government in the Americas. The U.S. has massed large numbers of troops in Hondouras, ready to move into Nicaragua, given an excuse. It seems that the U.S. can’t stay out of other countrys’ business.
The new leader of the Soviet Union (Gorbachev) wants to meet with Reagan, but Reagan is laying down “conditions.” Reagan is still on a honeymoon with Congress, following his huge victory at the polls last November. The romance might end soon, as battle lines have been drawn over next year’s budget. Reagan wants no tax increases, huge defense spending, and no cuts in social spending.
Coca Cola announced yesterday that they plan to change the formula of their world-famous beverage — after 99 years of success. They will call the new drink Coca Cola, but it won’t taste the same.