Dale Says

July 20, 2015

Notes from the Other Side #7

Filed under: Other Side — Dale @ 3:38 pm


There are many things to look forward to in retirement. Health is one, but there are mixed messages.

On the plus side, it’s easier to get and stay healthy when you aren’t working. There is more time to exercise, and it’s easier to exercise during the day than to squeeze it in before or after work. And it’s easier to eat well and go to doctors and dentists when you aren’t working full time.

On the other side, things start to go wrong with your health after a certain age. Knees start to ache, lower backs get stiff, and your metabolism slows down. There isn’t a lot you can do to prevent those issues, but you will have more time to deal with them.

Here’s a couple of suggestions from the other side of working for a living: (1) lose weight and get in shape now, and (2) develop good eating and medical habits now. Both of those steps will help you adapt to and fully enjoy the next phase of your life.

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