Dale Says

July 5, 2012

Carrying His Own Weight

Filed under: Colorful Characters — Dale @ 3:19 pm

Greg lives in our neighborhood. He’s in his 60s, and rumor has it he is retired from the banking industry. Greg lives in a rented room on the north end of the neighborhood and he spends his days running around the neighborhood, working for food, coffee, or a little money. He dresses the same every day, in a work shirt and jeans with rolled up cuffs. He walks like Popeye, with his arms hanging down and extended behind his body.

Greg is always in a hurry, taking only a couple of minutes to chat. We talk about the weather, or the 49ers, or what’s happening in the neighborhood. Once, Greg smiled and showed me his brand new dentures, of which he was quite proud.

“Oh, how you doin’, Bob?” he will ask me if we run into each other on the street. Bob isn’t my real name, but Greg started calling me that a year or so ago and the name has stuck. I’ll usually ask him if he is busy and he will tell me about a job cleaning up a neighborhood bar after a party and how much he was paid for it. Or, he will tell me that he needs to go because he is getting paid $15 for sweeping up after the farmer’s market.

Greg has money. I saw him in another neighborhood a while back and when I asked him what he was doing there, he told me he was taking his gold to be re-appraised by a jeweler. He says he has 10% of his wealth in gold, and neighborhood merchants tell me he has $200,000 – 300,000 in the bank.

Greg helps Joe each morning at the 24th Street Cafe, unloading food supplies and sweeping up. Joe pays him with a free meal. Then Greg helps Martha at Martha’s coffee take out her trash, and Martha pays Greg with free coffee.

Greg works for a living, and though his work may not save the world, it is productive. Greg nevers panhandles and he takes no government handouts. He is busy, he is happy, and even if he’s a little nutty, he’s carrying his own weight.


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    thank you!!…

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