Dale Says

August 1, 2006

Tribute to My Dad

Filed under: Family Tribute — Dale @ 12:08 pm

Dear Dale,

I saw your cool Website and wanted to get your advice.  My Dad is getting up there in years, and I’d like to make a video about his life, so my children and grandchildren will know about him.  I don’t want to spend a lot of money on it, though.  What do you suggest?


Dear Joe,

Thanks for your note. 

A video would be a wonderful tribute to your father, and it wouldn’t have to be expensive.  Here’s my suggestion:

1.  Gather up photos and other records of his life that you would like included in the video.  Scan them and put the scanned images on a CD.

2.  Write a list of 5-10 questions you would like your father to answer about his life, review the questions with your Dad, then record him answering them, using a tape recorder or camcorder.

3. Select 2-3 songs that your father likes.

4.  Hire someone to put the recorded answers, photos, and music together on a VHS or DVD video.  Make copies for each of your children.

That’s a quick, easy, and relatively inexpensive way to make a video about your father’s life.  The whole thing can be produced for less than $500.

Good luck!  Please let me know how it turns out.



  1. nagel@snaked.transposition” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    Trackback by Herman — August 23, 2014 @ 12:09 am

  2. muscovy@apologetically.chapelles” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    tnx for info!…

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    good info!…

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    ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!!…

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    good info!…

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    ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!!…

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    thank you!…

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