Dale Says

March 23, 2015

Your Generation

Filed under: Miscellaneous — Dale @ 11:47 am

Your generation thought it could fix the world,
And you had a right to think that way.
Yours was the smartest and richest lifespan ever.
You tried to work hard enough to end poverty, erase injustice, and stop wars.

Then the economy fell apart and the world tore apart,
And your time was spent putting things back together again.

My generation thought it could fix the world,
And we had a right to think that way.
Ours was the smartest and richest lifespan ever.
We tried to think clearly enough to end poverty, erase injustice, and stop wars.

Then life got in the way and distracted us from our goals,
And our time was spent getting through each day.

The next generation thinks it can fix the world,
And they have a right to think that way.
Theirs is the smartest and richest lifespan ever.
They think they can build technology fast enough to end poverty, erase injustice, and stop wars.

Will they develop concern for their fellow man?
And how will they spend their time?

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