Dale Says

August 29, 2006

Interviewing for Documentary Videos

Filed under: Videos — Dale @ 2:09 pm

Suggestions for interviewing subjects for a personal or documentary video:

1.  Plan

Think through and write down the expected format, length, timing, process and cost of the end product.  Plan and schedule interviews as early as possible.  Line-up professional help as needed before you start.

2.  Research

Do background research on the subject matter and subjects before you do any interviewing or filming.

3.  Review

Discuss with partners and subjects your game plan for the video, interviews, music, narration, and any additional material that will be included in the video.  If possible, review a list of possible interview questions with subjects before their interviews.

4.  Listen

Pay attention to feedback from your partners and subjects and try to accomodate it.  Stay tuned to verbal and non-verbal clues from subjects during interviews and adjust the interviews as appropriate.

Please let me know if I can help.




August 1, 2006

Tribute to My Dad

Filed under: Family Tribute — Dale @ 12:08 pm

Dear Dale,

I saw your cool Website and wanted to get your advice.  My Dad is getting up there in years, and I’d like to make a video about his life, so my children and grandchildren will know about him.  I don’t want to spend a lot of money on it, though.  What do you suggest?


Dear Joe,

Thanks for your note. 

A video would be a wonderful tribute to your father, and it wouldn’t have to be expensive.  Here’s my suggestion:

1.  Gather up photos and other records of his life that you would like included in the video.  Scan them and put the scanned images on a CD.

2.  Write a list of 5-10 questions you would like your father to answer about his life, review the questions with your Dad, then record him answering them, using a tape recorder or camcorder.

3. Select 2-3 songs that your father likes.

4.  Hire someone to put the recorded answers, photos, and music together on a VHS or DVD video.  Make copies for each of your children.

That’s a quick, easy, and relatively inexpensive way to make a video about your father’s life.  The whole thing can be produced for less than $500.

Good luck!  Please let me know how it turns out.


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