Dale Says

July 23, 2006

Family Reunion Captured on Video

Filed under: Family Reunion — Dale @ 12:32 pm

Dear Dale,

My mother’s family is planning a family reunion this August.  It “could” be the last of these kind, as her generation is getting up there in age.  It would be nice to capture the highlights of this get-together, but I don’t want to spend a fortune on it.  Any suggestions?

Family Man

Dear Family Man,

A video of an event like the one you described is a wonderful legacy to leave to the next generations of family members.  And it doesn’t have to be expensive.  You can save most of the expense of making a video by (a) filming it yourself (ask one or more family members with camcorders to record the main events), and (b) making minimal edits to the end result.

Much of the cost (and difficulty) of putting together this kind of video is in the editing.

We will do as much (or as little) editing as you want, and will produce a professional video for you, complete with music, and (if you wish) audio voice-over.

You can  give your family a high-quality video for as little as a few hundred dollars.

It will be treasured for many years.

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